on Friday the 12 th November. Sorry, Paula, didn't intend to steal a march on you, but I can't work out how to delete the thing now!
But the great thing is, I have a room to put them in! When we built this house we'd been married more than forty years, the kids were gone and had kids of their own, and in the modest three-bedroom home plan this was supposed to be the second bedroom. Well, hubby has a shed! And in it, among other other things, he makes clocks, like the one on top of the free-standing bookcase on the left. At least it has glass doors, and looks even messier because I've also stored framed photos in it, of our four kids (three boys, one girl). One each of them as babies one year old, and one each of their weddings. And they're in there so they don't get dusty!
I've actually blogged about my work area at
On Sunday September 12th, and titled it MY WRITING SPACE - QUICK, FIND THE DUSTER!
But I'd stuck these photos in the wrong file and couldn't, being aged and techno-challenged, work out how to post them there. So aren't these a treat? Because those aren't my only bookcases. You'd think just the built-in one my husband covered one wall with would be enough!
The other free-standing bookcase, on the right, I bought from a second-hand shop years and years ago. It's full too, and you'll notice an overflow on the top! Above it is an old European print picture I bought from a flea market, very old-world library looking. The original oil of the roses, down beside it standing on the remains of my former (read, spare) computer, I bought from an opportunity (charity) shop only this year. It's obviously not a professional effort but it's very pretty and was obviously painted with love. I just had no more wall left to hang it on!
And no, those aren't all my books. There's an old toolbox dolled up with cushions in the spare (third!) bedroom full of more. There's a five shelf cupboard down in the shed groaning at the seams with paperbacks. And in the lounge room there's a two-shelf set of Encyclopaedia Brittanica... Um, and in the corner beside my husband's chair we have HIS books - on a set of shelves made of bricks and planks painted white... All about interesting things like cars, sports, science, humour, woodworking and so on. Poor man.
By now you'll be thinking, this woman is a compulsive collector and reader! You'll be right about the collector part, but I actually get to read much less than I used to. Being slow on my feet means I'm slow getting from one end of the day to the other, and whatever time is left is spent on the computer. Writing, and checking my emails, and writer stuff on the Internet. And oh, all right, playing Solitaire sometimes. Just sometimes...
I LOVE your bookcase,Monya! Would love to browse through some of those books. had to had a clearout of some of my books when they started to take over the house, but there were plenty I could not bear to part with. The space vacated by the books has since been filled (overfilled!) with DVDs!
Look forward to your blog at Heroines with Hearts on Friday!
Paula, you'd enjoy it. I have extremely eclectic tastes and you'll find all sorts of oddments. Old novels, non-fiction, science fiction, poetry, essays in anthologies. Historical fiction, paperback romances, books about art and archaeology, humour, adventure... In fact, I'd be a very surprised girl if any reader couldn't find something to really enjoy.
An old friend who visited one day during her holidays said she'd love to spend her two weeks right there in a chair!
I so empathise with you over needing to to clear yours out! I'd have a lot more if the people who'd borrowed them had returned them. And if, 20 years ago, three boxes of old sci-fi hadn't gone mouldy in the shed of our small house at the time.
Books get to be old friends too, don't they?
Am looking forward myself to Heroines With Hearts tomorrow.
I love your shelves, also. One of hubby's jobs now is to build me a new bookcase for my new house as I need them to accomodate my books. ;-)
Although, I'm getting more particular about which ones I keep. Recently, I've been gathering some of the old paperbacks to send overseas to deployed troops. I figure that makes space for new books and gives them something to do in their off-duty time!
Hi ya Mon - our honorary Claytons Nana !!!
I saw your post on ROMAUS loop. You crack me up. I love your sense of humour. Good to put a face to the name too
Lorraine - Just realised I didn't reply to your comment on Heroines With Hearts.
Thanks for saying nice things about my shelves. And I do hope your hubby gets around to doing a set for you too.
I think you're very brave parting with even old books. I definitely have OCD where collecting them is concerned. I've tried to weed things out but just can't bear to do it. Fortunately they're the only things I collect. It has to slow down though, there is literally no room left, so I'm much more discerning what I buy! Even if I can't resist looking through second-hand ones.
Hello Jenn! Well, I had to attend the online Claytons Conference, didn't I, with a surname like mine? And I'm most honoured to be yearly Nana to the group.
Sense of humour - wish I could write humour. Takes a particular talent. I have no trouble with being funny with regards to myself, but my writing is very angsty and serious.
Nice to hear from you.
Hullo Monya, I'm dropping having read your comment on my Novels Now blog. The books problem in your house looks very, very familiar. curiously my husband, who reads far more than me because he reads much more quickly, also has shelving made from planks and bricks. He keeps his large collection of records on them. I used to joke that my study had become a hard hat area - and he's moved them elsewhere. Best wishes, Anne Stenhouse, UK humorous historical romance e-published (not contributing to the shelving probs.)
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